How to Price Assignments - a Yada Yada primer

That giant elephant in the room. Not enough of us talk about it, not enough of us are forthcoming enough to share concrete figures. Which is the precise reason YYC was born, honestly. Here’s the survey that you can (must!) take, which will bring us tangible numbers and ranges like you see here.

So how do we arrive at these figures? Or how does one determine what to quote when a client asks for your estimate. Here’s what we’ve learnt. (If you’re a seasoned professional and have inputs to add to this, we’d love to hear from you!)

For starters, we’d recommend that you ask if the client has a budget. If they answer in the affirmative and give your their budget, that’s half the job done.

If they hem and haw and want you to quote your price first, here’s a quick guide:

Also, here’s a short primer on determining that jump-off point - your Hourly Rate. 



Also, here are a few resources that we find really handy in de-mystifying the art of pricing. Also, watch this space, we’re hoping to launch a pricing guide very soon!

1. Kawal Oberoi’s video on pricing is very useful and gives broad guidelines on how to approach it  

2. Jessica Hische’s Dark Art of Pricing

3. Lisa Maltby has a Pricing guide (with numbers!) that is relevant for International markets and definitely with a look.

4. Here’s a guide to royalty fees. 

5. Kendyll Hillegas has a couple of videos on pricing for that we found useful.

At the end of the day, we hope that this helps and you find clients who understand the value of your work, and are ready to spend well on quality work. And remember, there’s not shame in negotiating up, or asking for whatever you think your work is worth!


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