Portfolio- 101

A good portfolio is your ticket to getting new exciting work beyond you immediate circle. This week we spoke about what makes a good portfolio, common mistakes that art directors encounter when looking at portfolios.
We learnt a lot from generous inputs from Bijal Vachharajani of Pratham Books, Daya Subramaniam of Karadi Tales, Mala Kumar (Pratham Books) and Niloufer Wadia- a prolific children's book's illustrator.


Here a broad set of Portfolio guidelines - Ultimately though, you are a best judge of how to present your work :). Also do write in, if you'd like to add something more to these lists.

We asked our community where they host their portfolios - we got a range of responses: Wordpress, Behance, Adobe Portfolio, custom coded websites, websites hosted on format, Squarespace (image friendly), Cargo collective, google sites, Tumblr. A few artists told us they send clients their blogs, and a few felt their Instagram pages best represented their work.


Here are some common, easily avoidable mistakes that Art Directors tell us they've seen in portfolios they've received .


Here is an idea- In case you'd like some feedback on your portfolio, why not make a sample google form and seek feedback from friends and even willing strangers?
It gives you a little distance from the person giving feedback- so both of you are comfortable. You can choose to let people stay anonymous too :)

We've made a sample form here- in case you want to download our form- send us an email-  yadayadacollective@gmail.com

In case you'd like us at Yada Yada to share your website and form with the community- we are happy to do so too :) And this an open offer- not just for this week. We promise you at least on of us from Yada Yada will fill your form :)


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